Outcome Alternatives™


An online education program focused on helping people learn alternative thinking and behavior which helps prevent future justice system involvement. Since 1983!


Anger Temper Talk™ - Online anger management classes.
Temper Talk™ is an online anger management class offered as an 8, 10 or 12 hour anger education class. And, we have a Court Acceptance Guarantee! Learn more about anger management class

theft / shoplifting classes "THEFT TALK"™ - Online theft / shoplifting classes.

Theft Talk™ is an online theft / shoplifting classes and is offered for juveniles as a 4 or 8 hour class and four adults as an 8 hour class. And, we have a Court Acceptance Guarantee! Learn More about Theft Talk

theft / shoplifting classes The Alcohol Class  - Online MIP Alcohol Class

The Alcohol Class is an online class for youths who were cited for being a minor in possession of alcohl (MIP). This is not an alcohol treatment program, it is an alcohol education and awareness program. This is a four hour online class.The Alcohol Class

Your class is completely self-paced, sign out and come back later, the computer will take you back to where you ended. That's right, work on it a half hour at a time, more sometimes, less others - you choose.


Professionals Who Refer


Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning

The U.S. Department of Education conducted a meta-analysis and review of online learning studies and concluded,
"The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction."
The study is called Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online learning. A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies. Online learning


Outcome Alternatives™ Referrals


Appropriate referrals to our Anger Management Class?

Of course you can refer any person you would like. However, as a guideline, we suggest you think of Offender Solutions® for offenders who are "average", typical or first time offenders. As you well know, we are more likely to be successful with the less hardened, serious or chronic offenders. (Though we actually like working with the high risk and/or chronic offender.) We try to make all of our materials readable at the 5th grade level. If the person has a mental illness or is cognitively impaired we do not recommend a referral.


Ourcome Alternatives™ Referral Forms


Our Referral Forms are intended to be a convenience to you. You can simply hand the form to the person being referred and they will have instructions on what to do and how to do it.
Simply open or download the referral form, print and hand it to the offender.
Easy enough?


Click here for the Outcome Alternatives Referral FormOutcome Alternatives Referral Form


Making a referral? This is a subject we know something about. With our experience in the field of parole and probation we know that making a referral is all too often more work than is necessary. We try hard to make it easy.


Confirming Client Completion

When the person completes our class they are issued a Completion Certificate to present to you.


Feel free to contact Outcome Alternatives™ to confirm client's completion status.
You can also ask Outcome Alternatives™ to send a Certificate of Completion directly to you, (mail or email).
Our Certificates of Completion are extremely difficult to duplicate. For additional security, if we mal it to you, it is always embossed with our logo.




Our Support Services



Evidence Based Research

Implementing Evidence Based Practices

Evidence Based Juvenile Programs

What doesn't work? :

Edward Latessa, Ph.D. Center for Criminal Justice Research says, "Most researchers who study correctional interventions have concluded without some form of human intervention or services there is unlikely to be much effect on recidivism from punishment alone." Further, "Not a single reviewer of studies of the effects of official punishment alone (custody, mandatory arrests, increased surveillance, etc.) has found consistent evidence of reduced recidivism."

Using research and evidence based interventions is essential, not only to demonstrate the effectiveness of our programs but also, an ethical responsibility. Our position is that we have a mission critical responsibility to provide the best, evidence based anger management and theft/shoplifting services possible.

What does work?:

The research community, and virtually all of the relevant journals, overwhelming demonstrate the Outcome Alternatives™ curricula which:

a) uses education and,

b) follows a cognitive restructuring or cognitive behavior modification model, will provide statistically significant change (results).

Simply stated, Outcome Alternatives™ maintains a fundamental belief that all clients must be treated respectfully and are seeking a better life. Our approach is to help them assess their own attitudes, values and beliefs. The research indicates that the Outcome Alternatives™ cognitive model develops an awareness that results in an attitude change and subsequent pro-social beliefs and behaviors. The data also shows that these changes occur across male and female, juvenile and adult and among low, medium and high risk offenders.

Outcome Alternatives™, as an agency, has a research, criminal justice and counseling psychology background. All staff are supervised by a Masters level Counseling Psychologist. We are comprised of staff and consultants from a variety of disciplines including parole, probation, psychology, social work, counseling, corrections, and a research analyst.


They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987) ,
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol



Our Philosophy


Change your thoughts and you change your world.

~Norman Vincent Peale
(1898 - 1993)